Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Downballot Disaster

I like Hillary Clinton. I like Barack Obama. I like Dennis Kucinich.

But Hillary will set the Democratic party back a decade in the south.
Barack 'maybe a little blow' Obama is a powerful speaker - but America is a racist country.
Kucinich is a dreamer - god bless him...

The pubs will field McCain - because we're going to be in a war in 2008 and he's going to continue to make the 'we need to do more on the ground not less' argument... and by 08 things will be flat out awful.

We need someone who wont destroy the party down ballot. Gore. Clark. Someone centrist who can play McCain off as a rightwing nutjob.

But we're idiots. We always pick the Kerrys and Deans instead. Yeeeeaargh.


GreatGoblin said...

If Oprah ran for president she'd win.

Dont kid yourself.

Subdivisions said...

not after kitty kelly's biography comes out...