Friday, December 22, 2006

oh for the love of god

last night was the company xmas party... and other than falling in love with the poolhall waitress Katia after hours - the only substantive development is that i'm still alive.

god but that was ugly...

but katia wasnt... i dont think... though, i'd had rather a lot to drink by then...


fearlessvk said...

more about katia!! more about katia!!

(i'm in boston. i'm sick. i'm bored out of my skull.)

GreatGoblin said...


the waitresses at Sharx on St Catherine down past Crescent are those rather typical montreal girls - remarkably attractive - though maybe size 0 (2 at most - which always makes me feel like i'm looking at a child) - youngish - and almost always from europe.

She was Katia... she liked us because we were drinking - a lot - and she talked to me because, well, i suppose because i was buying... but maybe also because we were quite possibly the worst billiards players in the building and really seemed to be more interested in having fun than taking a game of hitting little balls with a stick terribly seriously.

Another story of an attractive girl from eastern europe escaping to montreal (lotta strippers by those rules there...). She seemed nice enough.. but oddly enough she always seemed to disappear as soon as we'd ordered... as if she wasnt really interested in us... hey wait a minute...

fearlessvk said...

hey wait a minute - i thought you didn't drink?

see what that poison will do to you - one minute you're fine, the next minute you're in love with katia the eastern european :P

btw, speaking of eastern european girls escaping and becoming stippers - when i was in the red light district of amsterdam, it seemed like at least half the legal prostitutes were eastern european.