Monday, May 21, 2007


So about a week ago - several congresspeople decided to try to live on $21 a week - the amount of govt aid one is given if - and i mean IF - one qualifies for foodstamps. So before we get started - lets all have a little think about that one for a moment. America - richest nation on earth - lobs $21 a week at its poorest as a 'dole' - and that's IF you qualify, the term you can be on said assistance is limited, and its fairly restrictive because, you know, there are all sorts of people apparently abusing the system.

Because, you know, at $21 a week - there's a lot of room for graft as the poor find ways to trade out all that excess foodstamp money for crack.


So - the congresspersons decided to blog about it. And reading through their tales of trying to make the money stretch was amusing - at the same time making a point... that making it on $21 a week is pretty damned impossible. Not being able the drink coffee made me laugh - and tremble in dread...

But the other day...
Congressman Ryan was a victim of the airline ban on liquids. Imagine the look on his face as some weaselly TSA employee takes his Jelly away from him... and that shocked 'what am i going to eat' stunned disbelief thing is going on. Terribly funny...

Now imagine a single mother... with a baby screaming and a second child zooming through the kitchen chasing the pseudo-adopted stray cat... and she's on the phone and trying to make the monster lunch and she hears a noise and turns and knocks the jelly off the counter... Suddenly the cute anecdote is a lot less amusing.

Not to go grab a John Edwards campaign theme or anything - but there really are 2 americas... and we can do better than this.

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