Once upon a time...
there was a country. Oh sure - the country took itself a little seriously - and had this odd sense of purpose - they called it manifest destiny in some circles, they called it flat out arrogance in others, and in yet others they called it imperialistic capitalism. One thing that was certain - there was a whole lot of ego involved.
So this country got itself into a land war in asia - something we all know is probably the second greatest classic blunder one can make. But I'm getting away from myself. The year was 1968 - and a campy fairly unpopular show was in its second season on network television - taking shots at those that felt war and violence was 'the answer' to political problems.
So fast forward 40 years... yes - its been nearly 40 years... and today we find ourselves in a much stranger position. Senators from the opposition party arguing for the elimination of constitutionally guaranteed freedoms... a vice president acting without regard to the rule of law... and the supreme court having to reconsider the question of whether those detained and in custody on american soil can be held without trial, without rights, without the sorts of guaranteed safeties the Eee Pleb Neesta was written to guarantee...
The overacting canadian said it right...
"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."Leave it to us to let a canadian rub our noses in how far we've fallen - and do it in a cheesy sci-fi timecapsule commentary on the last big military failure of our nation. Happy Canada Day - and thank you. Rub our noses in it every time if you would...
"These words, and the words that follow, were not just written for the Yangs, but for the Kohms as well!"
"But the Kohms–"
"They must apply to everyone, or they mean nothing! Do you understand?"
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