So I've been thinking about Proposition 15. It's 3 billion dollars... and to me it feels like the sort of thing that's just another taking of public money and moving it into private hands. Govt capital outlays for things the private sector is working on/researching seem to me to be things one should reserve for things the private sector isn't going to accomplish properly (space travel... clean energy so we dont destroy the planet...). I dont know if I trust Texas to spend $3b without it just being a giant boondoggle. I'm going to have to research this one (though from the polling numbers it doesnt look like it's going to pass anyway).
Seems to me spending that 3b on the schools might be a better idea... not that i be panicking or anything.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that Pisit Pornkitti is not a native speaker of English. I'm skeptical that a $3 billion injection into Texas' education system would help him at all. Not that I'm against it. Sufficient funding might just help some Texas students attain a reasonable proficiency in a foreign language. How many Texas highschool students could write a reasonably comprehensible paper on cancer in a foreign language? I'm betting the number's pretty low.
As to Prop 15, I can't decide where I stand there and I'm having trouble finding objective information to help me sort it out. The Statesman endorsed it this week, but the editorial was all about one guy with cancer. It included little information about where the money is coming from and no information that I can recall about what. exactly, the money is supposed to fund.
It did make the point that Perry is supporting the proposition. And, frankly, that just makes me suspicious. . .
ok... fair enough... though i hazard that many of the non-native speakers might well perform a bit better than this if they've managed college entry...
still - lets try
now... icanhas3bforschools yet?
and yeah, perry supporting anything - cancer research to toasters - makes me want to scream 'dont touch it - it's EVIL'...
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