Friday, December 14, 2007

There are days when i lob a lot of bottles off into the ether... emails... text messages... phone calls to voice mail... and being out here in bumfuck, well, a lot of times that's really my only connection to the reality of human contact (at least until something that smells like work kicks in)... So when i send a note to a friend and it goes unanswered, or people tell me to clear a day so we can get together - only to find the day come and go without so much as a whisper... well - lets just say that's a bit more annoying for some of us than others. Still - its normal... people have lots of their own life crap to sort through - no guarantees there's time to burn entertaining me...

but with the holidays in full swing - and with many doing family things (i know how it is) - it's just a matter of how very quiet it gets. This is probably why i hear the complex subtext in the loaded 'what are you doing for xmas' question. Truth be told - i'm happy doing what i'm doing - i've always been comfortable by myself (else i couldnt do jobs involving me in foreign countries for months alone), even when i was immersed in the whole 'keep sherry happy' game. Still - if the few times i bother to try to do something with or contact people they blow me off - i'm going to be in the corner making wooden starfish.

1 comment:

No One said...

Shoulda come to Dallas, mon. You would get fat.