Monday, April 14, 2008

Ok Hillary...
I will now give money to McCain if you are the nominee...
Happy yet?


fearlessvk said...

i am totally on the same page with you regarding hillary clinton, but i just can't understand the idea of voting for/supporting/giving money to mccain if she is the nominee. stay home, vote third party, move to canada, whatever. but why would you give money to, or vote for, someone who is basically indistinguishable from hillary clinton? mccain also jumped all over obama's comments about small town america, also called them elitist and condescending and out of touch. isn't there a better way of registering your opposition to hillary?

not trying to pick a fight...i just keep hearing my friends say this, and i honestly don't get it. it will be a cold day in hell before i give mccain any money.

GreatGoblin said...

It's strategic.
Lets look at the political landscape either clinton or mccain will be playing in... you're probably looking at a pickup of at least 3 in the senate - and maybe as many as 6... so you're going to have a reasonably solid set of democrats in the senate who can set roadblocks - not to mention the likelyhood that dems at least hold their leadership in the house.

So in that environment - do you want a republican executive pushing evil horrible idiotic ideas and forced to give them up by the opposition's control of the legislature... or do you want a democratic executive who can set the tone in favor of lobbyists and big business - another at the line of 'let me get my bits from the public trough before it's empty'.

The corporatists wanted romney, but lacking that, they wanted clinton. McCain is better for them than Obama, but only inasmuch as he wont hurt them... Obama is the only positive move on the board.

fearlessvk said...

so i've thought this through, and in the end, i just think it's extraordinarily dangerous. we already know that democrats are spineless wimps, i'm not convinced adding a couple more D's to the senate will be a sufficient roadblock against a president mccain...

...and give us a convenient pretext like a new terrorist attack or ahmadinejad saying something belligerent, and congress could go back to republican in two years. or even this year, if it all happens fast enough.

in the end, i just can't vote for someone who sings about bombing iran. i'd rather vote for cynthia mckinney, even though i'm pretty sure she's clinically insane.

GreatGoblin said...

yes it's dangerous.... but lets look at what 2 years of a mccain presidency would likely create. There'll be the ugly aftereffects of the economic collapse - people are suggesting 1 in 10 homeowners will lose their homes in this one... the tax-cuts for the wealthy are expiring as we speak - and they'll continue to do so... yes - mccain will keep us in iraq - and that wont make anything better there - but isn't breaking the US military so it can't be used again a good idea? the army will be utterly screwed by this winter - and iran is smart enough to tone it waaay down now that they've gotten the iraqi govt to actually put 10000 iranian revolutionary guard trained troops in iraqi military uniforms - they can play a long waiting game. The US cant win in Iraq... eventually someone is going to realize that.

the only big domestic program he'll get any traction on is the 'space program on global warming' - which could mean massive investments in solar or wind...
a president mccain will hurt the fundies over in publand... he wont even have to give them what they want. oh sure, we probably lose roe v wade - and that sucks... but i didnt say it would be a good thing, just a best of a bad situation one. A Hillary govt healthcare plan will be so pro-insurance lobby and pro-drug company lobby as to be indistinguishable from anything the republicans could want (in fact, my bet is she gets most of the opposition to her plan from dems)... she'll fail on iraq too - and they'll blame her for it... and the dems will lose a LOT more in the midterms than i even want to think about.

If hillary claws a nomination - and then gets her head handed to her - then you're looking at a democratic party that will absolutely devour itself. i'm going to guess that the winner in that equation will be the anti-machine forces - so guys like reid will be fucked. Honestly - the DLC democrats are screwed in any scenario except a hillary total victory... and for me seeing them taken out is a greater plus than seeing 4 years of stalemate.

GreatGoblin said...

note: understand that the arguments i'm making will be made by clinton supporters at the DLC who will be backing mccain in a general vs obama - only they're more concerned with reasserting control over the party that's been stolen from them by these grassroots folks.

Hillary's 54% negative rating means she loses... they know she's going to lose the primary, but she needs to do as much damage to obama as she can for the sake of her faction.