Friday, July 18, 2008

So yesterday on The View...
oh god - did i really just say that?
yeah... i guess i did... oh well, nothing to do but go forward from here...


So where was I... ah yes... Whoopi Goldberg went off on a nuanced rant about racism in America and tried to reclaim the N word. Needless to say the resident blonde on set didn't really understand - and honestly - I have to say I felt for her. Whoopi is making an argument that's got complexities and rules that are BEYOND Elisabeth... and thus the sad Survivor refugee finds she's unable to follow the rules and know what she's supposed to do.

The reality is that there are some things you dont reclaim. You cant take back the swastika even though it's a religious symbol of good luck that predates the N421s... no one in their right mind would try. When a white southerner makes claims about 'heritage' in reference to the confederate flag you KNOW how people react - and for good reason... Elisabeth is TRYING to do the right thing here and Whoopi is confusing her... yes - there's racism that's deeper and more complex than the use of a single simple word - but that doesn't mean we need to USE the damned word - and that doesn't mean that someone as demonstrably stupid as Elisabeth is EVAR going to understand that.

In the mean time, in no way does this alter my willingness to use the C word for Hillary.


robyncz said...


Sean just analyzed a conversation that took place on the View. Did something pudgy and pink just fly past my window?

I love this day.

No One said...

Sorry about that Robyn. I was in a hurry...

GreatGoblin said...

you know... if i were going to name someone 'pudgy and pink' and obsessed with flying who might've emerged from the days in plano, Jake - you're really not the top of the list...