Friday, November 21, 2008

Filed under 'how close did we come...'

I mean... i know turkeys get killed... and I hope Sarah chooses to do all of her future press conferences at slaughterhouses...

I kept telling people she was 'The Death Party' candidate of choice - but you didnt believe me.


fearlessvk said...

what's really disturbing is some of the comments on wtf is this:

"I also love the discomfiture of all the women who hate her, though; clearly, she is a truth-seeking missile launched right at the heart of second-wave feminism

the jewesses especially hate her - probably because, if someone was trying to lead her to a gas chamber, she would fight to the death for herself and for her kids rather than burying her gold teeth and hoping it'll all be over quickly"

seriously???? jewesses???

No One said...

Palin/Huckabee 2012: When Cthulhu isn't evil enough...

You want to know the real reason why I'm glad that Obama won? It wasn't that this was a battle of right v. left, or white v. black, or man v. woman, or even good v. evil. To me, the distinction that was interesting was "education and intelligence is something to be proud of" v. "duuuuuuuuh."

We don't win many of these fights, ya know?

GreatGoblin said...

yes way...
she is a real live caricature of herself... wait... i hurt my brain.

as for the jewess comment - freeperland has always had an antisemite angle... and once you egg the racist monster out of the closet you get the whole illinois nazi crowd. There are many within the republican party who feel that that's just fine.

it's clayton williams all over again... but note, ann lost to W 4 years later. Dont count stupid out - it always comes back with a vengeance.