Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010
my take...
ok - so you own a yacht... and it's going to race in a tournament... great...
but seriously...
is this the time?
i think, perhaps, that this might be perceived negatively by some...
perhaps as a degree of insensitivity...
and since some of the things he's said previously have rubbed that nerve the wrong way...
there are really only 2 ways to view this...
either he really DOESN'T care that people are upset he's out racing a yacht while the gulf goes to hell...
or he DOESN'T understand what the big deal is...
so he's either an asshole... or too dumb to breathe...
in neither case is he the guy you want running your company... if i'm a BP shareholder i'm looking for a replacement right now
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
"We pray for the people of the Gulf. And we pray that a hand may guide us through the storm towards a brighter day."
Go fuck yourself.
You think the people of Beziers didnt pray fervently for a solution to their struggle in 1209? You think the people of Tokyo didnt pray fervently for a deliverance from the firestorm on March 9th 1945 when the US was dropping phosphorous and the rivers boiled them alive?
Prayers do not solve problems. Leaders solve problems.
I didnt think we were electing a fucking kumbaya motherfucker as a president... but i guess that's what we got. Woohoo!!!! You are pathetic.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
World Cup 2010
so i'm watching shakira's world cup song/video (at the behest of a chinese girl for those of you keeping track of the complexities)...
and i come across the following line
When you fall get up
Oh oh...
And if you fall get up
Oh oh...
and it shows Christiano Ronaldo diving...
i wonder if that's intentional...
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Vacated Wins
they vacated USC's 2005 football season...
which doesnt mean they automatically lost the games...
it means the games never happened
if the Rose Bowl featuring a truly spectacular last minute drive lead by Vince Young didnt happen...
and Reggie Bush never played in any games that year
does he still have statistics for the games?
if not... that makes his Heisman selection somewhat odd...
what about the other players... do you take away the stats generated? or is it just the score at the end that didnt count...
and what if you bet on the game... can you get your money back?
I HATE vacated wins. It's the sort of idiot idea i would expect from the Obama administration. What's the real point - it's papering over events without actually altering anything - including the outcomes by and large.
Either punish the school - seize the money they made for playing the games etc - or just admit that the NCAA are a bunch of pathetic pussies who dont really do shit to enforce their so-called rules because they're still haunted by the fact that SMU cant field a team that can beat the Kentucky School for Deaf Girls.
Wednesday, June 09, 2010
This is what I'm talking about...
It's just like the climate summit...
Obama's administration wants to be able to say 'we are hard on Iran'
so they go to the UN to get tough sanctions...
the UN security council passes sanctions... but in the language "China's economic interests in Iran were walled off from the sanctions"
So the rule is 'Iran cant get X Y or Z... unless it comes from China'
Obama get's to stand up and say 'look at us - we're tough on Iran'
and in reality - nothing substantive is accomplished at all
how fucking stupid do the assholes in this administration think we are?
he really is the 2nd most pathetic sack of shit president ever...
so yesterday, a progressive lost to the 'establishment' democrat in arkansas - after it was clear the whitehouse and powers that be in the dem party clearly supported lincoln (the same way they pulled out all the stops to fight for Specter in PA)
The whitehouse reacted with the following:
"Organized labor just flushed $10 million of their members' money down the toilet on a pointless exercise," the unnamed official said to Politico's Ben Smith. "If even half that total had been well-targeted and applied in key House races across this country, that could have made a real difference in November."
Another senior Democrat (who also would not be quoted by name) echoed the point in an exchange with the Huffington Post. "Labor is humiliated," the source said. "$10 million flushed down the toilet at a time when Democrats across the country are fighting for their lives, they look like absolute idiots."
There is such a massive disconnect between the netroots progressives and what they want out of government and what they're getting from the current batch in DC. Lincoln was a very conservative Dem - one that stands in the way of any sort of progressive agenda so fiercely that she might as well be a republican. She's Joe Lieberman in a skirt - and it really makes progressives shake their heads when they see institutional support for something like that (when the voters so clearly elected Obama on a 'change this crap' mandate). Pelosi's feeling that right about now but she doesnt give a shit. She - and all the rest of the dems - just want the netroots money and votes - they're in no way prepared to give them any of the tangible political results they were elected to deliver. It's a similar game to the one the republicans play with abortion... take the religious right's money, but never give them enough seats on SCOTUS to overturn the one big stick in their craw issue - put on just enough show to be able to walk back into the other room with their hands raised saying 'i tried... if only we had more votes...'
For Obama to play the same tune he just has to keep doing what Bush was doing - and make the 'oh but i got an inch of progress here and there - all those other things i just couldnt accomplish because i dont have the votes'
So we have an administration that's in love with torture and torturers...
one that loves wall street and bends over for oil companies before, during, and after huge negligent disasters.
The guy is even killing whales... seriously? this is what you want to be all about Obama?
Do you really think i'll vote for that in the fall?
Monday, June 07, 2010
does this one really surprise anyone?
A number of security contractors in Afghanistan, who are paid millions by Washington to guard U.S. convoys and bases, are also believed to have paid insurgents to attack convoys guarded by their competitors, and even NATO forces, to "increase the sense of risk on the roads."
one trillion and counting...
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
When I was a child...
i had my copy of the L-5 society periodicals - with the big Gerard K O'Neill space habitat paintings or the Boston album covers and i thought to myself 'that looks so much better than this shithole i live in...'
Now I'm an adult... i live in a nice place (it's not a space habitat but at least it isnt north dallas)... still i look on things like this and think 'i wish they'd hurry the hell up'...