Thursday, June 10, 2010

Vacated Wins

they vacated USC's 2005 football season...
which doesnt mean they automatically lost the games...
it means the games never happened


if the Rose Bowl featuring a truly spectacular last minute drive lead by Vince Young didnt happen...
and Reggie Bush never played in any games that year

does he still have statistics for the games?
if not... that makes his Heisman selection somewhat odd...

what about the other players... do you take away the stats generated? or is it just the score at the end that didnt count...

and what if you bet on the game... can you get your money back?

I HATE vacated wins. It's the sort of idiot idea i would expect from the Obama administration. What's the real point - it's papering over events without actually altering anything - including the outcomes by and large.

Either punish the school - seize the money they made for playing the games etc - or just admit that the NCAA are a bunch of pathetic pussies who dont really do shit to enforce their so-called rules because they're still haunted by the fact that SMU cant field a team that can beat the Kentucky School for Deaf Girls.

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