Sunday, March 04, 2007

Blogging from china is weird.
Blogger knows i'm in china... and so everything is in chinese simplified chars..

anyway - i'm here. Not all that much to say - honestly - friendly people taking my 'lost bags' report... friendly policemen screaming at cabdrivers to get out of the way... friendly cab drivers charging me less to get to the hotel from the airport than a montreal cabbie would charge for me to get into his car...

It is starting off as an adventure. My ATM card expired at the end of feb... Jake is going to fed-ex me the new one - if he can find it amongst the prodigious stacks of mail at my house. If it doesnt happen it's ok - I can get a cash advance from people headed this way next week - and i have enough cash i can manage.

Air Canada lost my bags ( I figured with 2, they could only lose one... i was wrong) They were in Vancouver... so in theory they're on their way here. The hotel lost my reservation - so when I did arrive - they had no record I was supposed to be here. Needless to say, when you have 20 nights booked in a hotel, having your reservation go missing can create a serious problem for the hotel... but eventually it got sorted (i gather the room aggregators have some method of pushing out reservations that's outside starwood's system - and it seems that the purchases dont come in a batch with some sort of Syn-Ack with the hotel). Once they found it - it was all good - but seeing as the room was prepaid I wasnt really in the mood to pay for it all over again.

When the roomkey didnt work in my door the first time i tried it - i just laughed. 'Of course it doesnt...'

The hotel is nice - the room service is better than i'm used to (room service in montreal hotels is expensive and generally beyond crappy - though, to be honest, food in montreal is a lot less spectacular than they think it is). The internet has some latency - but it's not as bad as people promised... (yet). Nothing to report on the work front - other than the fact that there are some *really* big things going on in the background - and they're all moving in positive directions... All I have to do is get this stuff working...


all i have to do...

1 comment:

Subdivisions said...

how's that mcdonald's treating you?