Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The World Needs More Bears

The Christian thing to do is to love them...
to forgive them for what they've done.

But when i see stories like this...

My heart goes out to the father who not only has to grieve for the loss and empathy for the things his daughter went though - but also has to struggle with the worthless and bitter taste of vengeance...

Me? - makes me glad i'm not a christian... Fine - call me a barbarian texan - but i'd cut out that son of a bitch's small intestine, nail it to a tree, and stake the chained bear to the adjacent post myself (an old native american method of disposing of people like this). And when those good hearted people who oppose the death penalty ask 'but who are you to judge' i'd say 'i'm the guy with the bear'.


lynn9394 said...

what people seem to forget, both Christian and non Christian, is that God in the beginning instituted capitol punishment. Do you remember that God's response to someone like this was to take the person outside the gates of the city and stone them to death? You see, God KNEW that a sexual predator would never be rehabilitated. My own personal belief is that anyone who hurts a child should get the death penalty.

CopperHead said...

I agree...the guy with the bear has my vote. I feel so bad for that poor father. He seems like such a good Dad, and had to go through losing his wife and now this. It's so sad. I hope they fry the guy...really..he deserves to be rolled in egg batter and fried til crispy and pictures of his body sent to every predator on the list and posted to every kiddie porn website out there. That might make these people (I use that term loosely here) think twice about doing such awful things to a child. He buried her alive folks..the bear's too good for him in my opinion...cut him open first...nahh...just chain him to a tree and baste him with butter and bacon fat. Make sure the bear's good and hungry!

GreatGoblin said...


Though there was capitol punishment long before we came up with the concept of duality in a godhead... long before Zoroaster. Still - I would also suggest that the predominant message in the new testament is one of unlimited compassion and love for one's fellow man - regardless of their transgressions. This is one of the reasons I respect the book - for all that I dont tend to respect many of the adherents and their odd inability to map said book to their lives. Afterall, Christ was one of the world's greatest socialists.

So whereas I find myself feeling terrible for the man who has to face the horrible experience of weighing his all too human need for vengeance against his sense of loss and awareness that more death doesnt make anything better - I still find myself feeling remorseless in my personal pro-bear approach to rapists in general.

Now in China we see people who let personal gain put thousands (if not more) of lives at risk (the recent drug scandal) - and then the human slavery story of people being picked up and sold into brick manufacturing facilities for $80 - and in each instance china was swift and what we might consider brutal in its judgment. I wonder if that really works any better.

The threat of death doesnt stop people who dont put much value to their lives... i dont think the question of their 'immortal souls' ever really enters into it.