Thursday, November 15, 2007

Once upon a time there was a band...
a band known for breaking all the rules...
a band with shows so extreme they had to cover themselves in makeup...

not so much anymore - now it's all about the benjamins...
and these kids today, with that whole not paying me for my genius!?! hell no...

The record industry is in such a mess. I called for what it was when college kids first started download music for free -- that they were crooks. I told every record label I spoke with that they just lit the fuse to their own bomb that was going to explode from under them and put them on the street. There is nothing in me that wants to go in there and do new music. How are you going to deliver it? How are you going to get paid for it if people can just get it for free?

well Gene... you know, all those jerk kids that recorded your music off Q102 at midnight onto crappyassed cassette decks when they played entire albums were crooks too i guess... though i'd bet you'd consider anyone who wasnt giving you $20 for a $2 fruit of the loom t-shirt made in china with prison labor and slapped with a plastic KISS logo that would no doubt shred after a 4th washing someone unworthy to receive a gob of your blood-filled spit either... and god help the kid who went to Bills and SOLD your old Kiss LPs when they bought the CDs...

Dude. Shut up. Find a way to make it work. Madonna is doing it - by focusing on TOURING and tying record sales directly to the touring entity. She's smarter than you are - jackass... and just because she's also managed to age better than your sleaze bag i wouldnt touch that with BOBs dick pornstar wife doesn't mean there arent people finding business models that DO work in the entertainment industry. Get over yourself - or get a show on VH1 with Flava and Brett and blow goats for all that anyone cares about your music. Piss off.

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