I gotta say... Obama coulda done a lot worse than this one. Biden isn't a 'regional target' pick - which might hurt depending on what McCain does - but there's a gravitas to this one that doesn't suck. Of course, that wasn't the big news yesterday.
In other news how about that story out of the bronze medal match in taekwondo.

Gotta say - it almost makes you wanna be a ref...
in Rhythmic Gymnastics...
So Obama picks as his Veep, shockingly enough, an old established and thoroughly entrenched old white guy. He's only been inside the Beltway and Senate since '72. Yeah, that's all about "change" ain't it? How about this for a campaign slogan (and the effectiveness of this is still based on who that other old bastard chooses): "Obama-Biden 2008: 50% Less Crochety Old White Guy!"
Fuck them all and fuck them hard.
I've never played 3 Card Monty, but I'm wise enough to recognize when the cards are dealt.
So is this guy.
Biden got the war vote right... but he voted for PATRIOT. He got the FISA bill right but he has a long historic love fest with the 'war on drugs'. He's a better choice than that lying shitbag Edwards - but then - so is David Lee Roth.
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