Saturday, August 30, 2008

Interesting things from today....

The first 2 minutes of this
A nice story about Mrs Palin's buddies in florida
and a nice story sliding under the radar that, if it continues, will see all american troops OUT of Iraq by Jan 1

elseways i'm hot and tired from standing around in a parking lot watching people drink beer - ahhh, the joys of labor day weekend...

EDIT: those stories weren't happy enough - so here are a couple more about children
Teaching life lessons to your children
Innovative problem solving techniques
Making time for yourself

we live in a sick sick world...


robyncz said...

I thought THIS story was interesting. It's clearly written meant to be a piece about an interesting mix-up involving a local man, but some of the "irrelevant" details towards the end of the piece made me think, "hmmmm, this could really go either way."

No matter what, the story shows how clueless the ASS can be.

robyncz said...

Crap. That didn't work at all.

I have no idea how to put a link in a comment. But the story I'm referring to is the one about the Austin man whose passport was discovered in the bombed-out ruins of a building in Georgia. I believe Putin is using this as proof that the US is directly and physically involved in what's going on. . .