Happy Monday
Edit: oh, did i mention you were supposed to be happy?
Edit again: Then again, some days more than others it's all about payback
Monday, March 31, 2008
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Adventures in Driving
Last night I decided to hit HEB on the way back from Jakes, grab some groceries etc... there are 2 lanes coming under the overpass, one is left turn only, the other goes straight... people screw up all the time - and go straight from the left lane... normally this puts them into the turn lane coming the other way, but at 1030 at night, no one is around to really complain...
Unfortunately - i had a guy who decided he needed to go straight, but also to be in the correct lane when he did so... which meant i had to veer quickly, went off the road and into a curb - blew the drivers side airbag (why i dont know) and the right front tire. He wandered off. Sometimes I wonder...
Got it to Wallyworld - where I'll be taking the opportunity to replace the set of fairly balding tires with new ones - honestly i needed new tires anyway. The walk home from wallyworld was nice... got offered a ride, but it was only 3 or 4 miles and it's 70 degrees so why bother. Guess I know what i'm doing tomorrow.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
so i dont really like emo music...
it strikes me as melodramatic - and the mall goths always felt a little manufactured to me...
but then, i DO know what it's like growing up in suburbia without an outlet for individualistic expression - so i get WHY they do it
Now what's going on in mexico has to stop. Hey - mexican fucktard - you dont beat the shit out of people because they listen to music you dont like and are more prone to being sad. If this gets worse - and we're forced to start taking emo mexicans as political refugees it's going to really change the look of the immigration debate in this country... oh how i'd love to pose THAT one to John McCain right now... lol
Hillary at it again...
You know, after the vote here in Texas I tried to distance myself from this shit - afterall, wtf am i supposed to do about it now? I voted... I caucused... I sent the guy money... and damn if it wasnt getting old. How many times must we see a debate where they two say nothing new... if you hadn't made up your mind by the first super tuesday - much less the second one - what on earth are you waiting for? But I digress. I'd tried to just stop talking about it - there just wasnt much that could be done other than wait for someone to ring the bell at the end and total the card - and so I'd rather waste my time complaining to congress critters so they reverse their policy on the mars rover (which happened yesterday) or watching that cool elephant-cam stuff on the BBC.
So it's a slow news day on the political trail... they've devolved into parsing Hillary's statements on 'what constitutes sniper fire' - made worse by her insistence that this was her 'misspeaking' due to lack of sleep rather than an over-exaggeration intended to shore up her foreign policy experience (duh - you'd think she'd have learned the whole 'the coverup is worse than the lie' bit from Bill)... speaking of which - what *IS* sniper fire anyway... still, this wasn't new snark - after Sinbad skewered her on the subject a month ago it was bound that someone was going to go pull press footage. Like I said - slow news cycle.
So what does she do to deflect? She whips out the race card and tries to use it as kindling for the Wright controversy. For some reason, Hillary Clinton hates Oprah's pastor - and thinks people who listen to him should be denigrated. Now I'm not going to go into the whole 'the family' crap because, like Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney, I dont think it matters what church you attend - but apparently it matters to Hillary. If the Clintons wanted to associate with Santorum's church group - that's their personal business. Hell - if you wanted to hang out with Tantriks it wouldnt be all that different from the moron we have as president right now... But again - this still isnt news - it's just a pathetic reach by a campaign intent on destroying its opponent as best it can.
It was only when I read Josh's expose over at TPM that I went from disgusted to pissed off. Again - the 'I was just answering a question' bit is just another blatant wink and a nudge, but huddling with the crowbar merchants while your doing it does NOT make one look less like Tonya Harding. The Clinton legacy is tarnished - and you are setting back the prospect of a woman president for decades to come. I hope you're happy.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
For the want of $4m the US will be putting one of the two martian rovers into hibernation to come into line with budget cuts. Let's think about this for a moment... the $4m doesnt get poured into a transmat beam and shipped to mars - it goes to pay salaries of extremely talented and enthusastic people, people who are some of the brightest this country has to offer who already work in jobs with low pay and little recognition for what they do. These are people bright enough to have taken a different route - gone to work at Bear Stearns - and complain that $10 isnt enough of a bailout that they'll be able to afford to keep the cottage house in the Hamptons... they could have become the consultants with trophy wives and a bevy of emperor's club whores on the side like the rest of their high powered friends... but instead they chose to dedicate their lives to a project analyzing soil samples from a far off world - with hardware that's just good enough to do the job.
When they cut the budget - how do you think they'll save money?
Those people are going to lose their jobs...
Not the bigwig administrators that sit in the offices and exercise political control over the science - like modern day religious commissars.... it'll be the grad students and the 20 somethings... and that means those bright kids will have to go find jobs somewhere else - and we'll lose them.
This is exactly what's wrong with this administration. There's no money in this project for KB&R, no oil on mars, no people W can kill... so there's no incentive to do it. Well fuck that. The money at issue here is all of 12 minutes of our time in Iraq. It's a fraction of the amount we've blown on new strike fighters and B2s that crash into runways and idiotic military programs involving staring at goats. Congress controls the purse... the dems control congress... FIX IT. We elected you to keep things like THIS from happening - to stop the idiots from screwing things up any worse than they already were... so go get $4m of money set aside for blowing shit up and FIX this.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Lions and Tigers and Bear Stearns
or "oh christ it's another soapbox post - there he goes again"
I really wasnt going to post on this subject - it's extremely complicated and nuanced and involves a lot of very very interrelated problems that dont make for good fodder for off the cuff arm-chair analysis by bloggers who spend their days reading and grumbling and not much else... but, well, Hillary did something today that got me started.
So before i go off, i'm going to go back... and read the earlier NYTimes link or at least this one for chrissakes. Now - housing prices had no business rising the way they did. For a visual representation, there's the rollercoaster... or to see it in a slightly more terrifying format there's the NYTimes graph... so it was pretty obvious to anyone with half a freakin brain that a correction of SOME sort was due.
So many of the big boys on wall st hedged themselves a bit - through insurance for the most part, through complex shemes using the housing bond AAA paper as collateral on currency and commodity deals (on the assumption that as housing values dropped there'd be a move by liquidity into other places driving those values up). Some of that worked - and thus my banks are still viable (even if they did have to go snake some large piles of cash from overseas to cover their losses) - but the insurance angle pretty much was bound to fail. Insurance, or reinsurance (when the insurers insure themselves against large collections), is great for providing stability to the market so money stays fluid (we dont have the sorts of problems the world had for so long on the gold standard anylonger - but that's in large part because of all these overly complex financial instruments - and our willingness to believe in the value of currency). The insurance was going to fail - hard... so a couple weeks back the fed intervened with $200b. They're trying to keep the pump primed so to speak - so the money supply doesnt constrict (the same problem we're about to face with the thermohaline circulation and global warming, only - just like in this instance - we only seem capable of acting after the fact).
So finally they went in and offered to take on all the crap Bear Stearns had been floating... because god help us if the markets suddenly start looking at AAA paper and thinking its not worth wiping your ass with (like the dollar for example). Now a lot of people left of center see this and think 'hundreds of billions of dollars going into this... hundreds of billions of dollars going into the war... and we're doing it all on credit' and wonder how it is we can do that but not help the little guy to make his house payment). It's a good question. Can we afford a 3-4 trillion dollar war on credit? Propping up the markets with the action on Bear may slow the dominoes but we arent at the point where we've seen past the tip of this iceberg yet... and honestly - fixing the problem with the credit market will be much more effective at fending off the real problems with this economic collapse than helping Mary make her house payment.
But today - Hillary asked Bush to appoint a committee with Greenspan and Volker to sort out the mess so the homeowner can get help with their house payments. Why not toss Phil Gramm into the mix while you're at it... they're all responsible for encouraging this shit to go down. Either she's an idiot - or she's playing politics with something that we really cant afford to play these fucking games with. (Not to mention that a year ago - Obama proposed a summit to Bernacke on the subject of impending foreclosure problems associated with predatory lending practices... but, of course, he wanted to involve lenders, consumer advocates, and govt regulators - and he wanted to do it a year ago before there was a big tight election in play and the big boys on wall st were still playing the game heavily)...
This is going to be very bad... but the economy is still 11 trillion dollars. Even if we're all a lot poorer than we are now by the end of it - it probably wont be so bad that we end up looking like mexico... just a lot more like mexico than we're all used to.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
There's an old axiom that legislation is generally a decade behind technology with regards to having to style itself in a manner that would make a particular act against the rules. For years we had online gambling - and the feds forced to try to apply a 1956 wirefraud statute (and fail miserably in the fifth circuit when they did) before they managed the UIGEA. Beyond that we have questions such as 'would your community consider tubgirl to have socially redeeming features' - and if not, then there are a number of older state and federal laws that probably come into play that could be enforced at the local level...
which leads me to rickrolling...
see... the FBI has decided that its going to post entrapment child-pornography links on the intarwebs - and they're going to come after you if you click them.
Which means using functionality like tinyurl just got dangerous for our friendly politicians, and if you use firefox you'd best not be using prefetching (which pulls links from a page) because i promise they both look like 'clicks' to a server log... besides which, in this story, the feds arent even keeping referrer logs - so they arent even capturing whether the link came from someone who was at the board in question...
Of course, i assume the people who're seriously after CP are going to use the Onion router, or pull through longhaul VPN anonymizing services, or stay in the dark corners like Usenet or otherwise old abandoned forums for long-dead motion pictures... i cant know for sure... then again, i have a wireless router in my house - who's to say that someone downloading ANYTHING from this location was me to begin with.
I'm not saying that people who traffic in CP shouldnt be hunted - but that's why we have chris hanson. I think that the moron at the FBI who thought that being exposed to something unintentionally because some Johnny the ReRe chooses to toss an underage camwhore picture up on the latest incarnation of rec.pets.cats is fucked up - but maybe that's just me. Afterall, I find 4chan amusing - and i assume there's probably something that smells a lot like CP pretty close to the surface of /b/ if i went looking for it...
What it means is that people are going to have to anonymize ALL of their traffic - just to protect themselves from malicious prosecution by an overzealous nannystate that cant take a fucking joke - and when we all start doing that the feds might as well start hawking those echelon servers on ebay - because it wouldn't be hard to get a couple thumbnails of young girls on just about anyone's computer...
Saturday, March 22, 2008
There are many here on the left who will argue against the death penalty at length... as a barbaric act... as no better than the sorts of crimes it in theory dissuades people from committing... and I suppose that might all be true.
But when i see stories like these i gotta tell you - in my book the death penalty is too kind. When the founding fathers deciding the act of drawing and quartering was too much - i dont think they envisioned the kind of evil our modern society fosters so well. That a story like this is, to some degree, unremarkable, is one of the reasons i am not as proud of my country as i might be otherwise (I'll let Obama's wife speak to that feeling - just tune in Faux news, i think they have the clip on a loop).
Mississippi - if you have trouble finding someone willing to act the carnifex on this one - i dont think i'd be that squeamish. Give me a call - i'll help you out.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
The Speech
I've read it... I've watched it... I've read a myriad of reviews - commentary from the left and the right... Is it *important* the way some are claiming - something transcendent? no. Is it going to change the dialog on race and class and liberal and conservative? no. Does it justify the fainting and screaming of the many so that the Becks of the world will stop questioning Obama's Satanic nature? no.
It is a message of unity in a country profoundly divided. A country of camps that have stopped listening to each other... camps entrenched in echo chambers, encouraged by greater and greater absurdity, lemmings that chase off into the far distance, encouraged by their compatriots, filled with such self-righteous indignation over the very prospect of being wrong on any subject that they will support anything in the defense of their beliefs. The disaffected left may not be AS guilty of this as the right, but they're certainly not innocent of the trait.
So why... why does this speech matter. Because it speaks to the truth - the core of the issue - unabashedly. Politicians dont do this. This is a man doing what's right, not what's politically calculated and expedient. For years - rovian politics has been the norm - making your opponent into something false was step one. This is why Clinton attacked Obama as a xerox candidate - it's the classic rule. If your opponent is not REAL - then you may apply fallacies to them at will. John Kerry went from war hero to war criminal... John McCain has a brown baby... Ann Richards is a drunk cokewhore... this is what Karl Rove was all about, lies and distortions taken to a point and then pushed over the edge into outright absurdity. It is effective when you're dealing with candidates who, by and large, are not REAL under the surface - which means pretty much all of them. What Obama did here was he went for the bold truth... he took something complex and nuanced and wrapped it in skilled oratory - made it personal to everyone - and did it in a way that embraced the complaints and bitterness both sides of the political spectrum feel on the subject.
Contrast it with Hillary's big moment on the trail - her breakdown in Connecticut... or with W's imperialistic swaggering spew this morning 5 years into Iraq... it's neither calculated nor filled with lies. This is not what we've come to expect in American politics.
In ways, Obama and the campaign he's running is a lot like Martin O'Neill - a remarkable motivator who plays a different game than everyone else... but just as with questions as to whether O'Neill would have been successful with the reins of England - the question is can this style of play work against opponents who play such a different game. We've seen Clinton struggle with it to be honest - neither she nor her campaign has been able to pin the stupid and absurd on him and make anything stick. McCain, hobbled by the lukewarm support of both the country club and born again axes - should fare no better.
But the real question is this... can the American electorate hear a nuanced argument to a complex problem and go with it? One of the great truths to come out of Rovian style politics is that a short simple lie is a much better answer than a long complex truth - Gore proved that in spades. Global warming isnt true... Al Qaida was in Iraq... Intelligent Design... &c. Are we, as a nation, too stupid to elect someone who sees complex problems as complex? Are we, as a race, too stupid to save ourselves from destroying the planet upon which we depend for our very survival... In 2000 I assumed we couldnt be so stupid. America proved me wrong. In 2004 I assumed we were learning creatures. America proved me wrong again. Why should it be any different today?
Finally, there was one point in Obama's speech i'd like to point out while i'm up here on the soapbox. In talking about Rev Wright and the underlying frustrations the black community feel and seldomly express in public - "But the anger is real; it is powerful; and to simply wish it away, to condemn it without understanding its roots, only serves to widen the chasm of misunderstanding that exists between the races." - I want to say one thing... What if - just for a moment - you applied that same nuanced thought process to Al Qaida - or the very least the Palestinian situation.
That - my friends - is the only way we'll get the peace W was on about in his hateful spew this morning... not with Bush's Cato the Elder 'make a desert and call it peace' - but until America can prove to me it's capable of understanding i'll assume the Obama candidacy is destined to be yet another in a long line of lost opportunities, practice playing the fiddle, and wait for someone to light the match.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
got fed up with the site not displaying properly in firefox - and with barnes and noble always horking up the images by replacing gifs with jpgs... so i'm going to be playing around with the layout a bit. Still dorking with the template/style sheet - have to do things in freaking CSS - pain in the ass... probably take me a couple hours of fiddling and i need to drop into photoshop and build a footer...
anyway - going to clean it up a bit more, might point the current anime watch list to the fansub provider i source from instead of the wiki - it's easier to find the wiki than a good fansub... probably add a section for old books i've read - maybe review them like i have the anime i've done (click densuke for that (that's the dog for those of you playing at home without a net))... though i'm a lot harder on bad books than i am on crappy cartoons as i've vested more effort into making them work, so that might not be a very nice thing to do. plus - i've got at least 3 or 4 books to add to my list...
probably add a 'what i'm working on' or a 'what i'm listening to' as i get to it...
Saturday, March 15, 2008
SXSW Review
Out in town for SXSW all day with Jake. Scrounged up a good parking spot early then began the trek back and forth... started with Kimya Dawson (of the Juno soundtrack fame) who was someone Jake really liked and wanted to expose me to. She's good - a funny Ani Defranco. I suggested that i'd love to mix some of her songs with Wesley Willis... because her 'my songs all start off the same' and wesleys 'my songs all are exactly the same all the way through' would work well together. Still - it's a niche thing for me - and whereas i certainly enjoyed it it wasnt MUSIC writ large for me.
So we wandered off to the free japan bash show at mother egans - an excuse to see one or two of the bands from the japan night that neither of us saw the night before (jake wanted to see Destroyer and, honestly, without go!go!7188 like last year i just didnt think i'd see anything that'd blow me away. Then again - Mick Jones and Tony James were doing a set over at Waterloo (close by) at 5 - so we figured we'd go, check it out, see if there was anything worth seeing, and bail to go see our Clash/GenerationX new incarnation...
it didnt work out that way... 3 3 piece bands took care of that...
The band taking stage when we got there was Sodopp... a 3 piece all girl pop-punk outfit with way way WAY too much energy - and a bass player that was shredding while pogoing for WAY too long. Just because it's girls doesnt make it smarmy j-pop... these 3 could play. Really. Honto ni Honto ni. Plus - the drummer was cute... and they were awfully tight - lots of very good progressions and a very very busy baseline in all their tracks. This was the throw away show - they'd done their big showcase last night - so they were having fun - and damn if you couldnt tell. I mean - they were tearing up the joint and gigglingly happy about it. This is why i love SXSW... you get exposed to things you never thought you would. It was good... different... but technically crisp. The songs were MUCH better live than the mp3s i'd listened to when figuring out whether to drag my ass down to Elysium. After, the girls came rolling through signing everything and taking pictures with everyone and just oozing excitement and happiness. It's sooo much fun to see a band hit the stage, capture the crowd, and come off feeling like they owned the joint. I think this was about when Jake realized 'wow... these bands are fucking fun'...
The emeralds followed - and I've seen/heard a lot of them as they've been here several times. 3 piece surf-punk - which sounds a bit better produced than live - but they were still great to watch. (and just because i dont glow over them doesnt mean i didnt like em - it's just i heard them last year)
Then Detroit 7 took the stage.
Another 3 piece... much more garageband... i'd heard some of their stuff from their myspace page and wasnt really thinking this would be what it turned into. I really wasnt expecting this... the lead in the dress and the leather chucks was a good sign - but hell, anyone can LOOK the part... but these 3 hit it hard from note one and absolutely owned it. I mean... their music is so different live than off cd (i know because i bought a couple at the end) - it's got a driving energy that they havent captured in studio yet - or they havent written the right song to show it off. The lead singer has a very husky/smoky voice - and the set built... and built... and there were good songs to build it with... so after 20 minutes they hit 'this love sucks' and come on and god damn... i mean - Sodopp set the table and these guys emptied the bases - this is EXACTLY why i love this festival. The fact that these guys had another cute drummer (yes Miyoko Yamaguchi - that's you) who, honestly, burned more energy in that set and did more with that crappy kit than any drummer i've seen in a looooong time - and even then... this girl was born to beat the crap out of things with sticks - so keep her away from bamboo shinai when she's anywhere near me please. They did some shows with Go!Go!7188 recently (god damn wouldnt THAT be a show to see...) - sigh... I loved this band - and if they come anywhere near you (which, of course, they wont... because japanese bands almost never come to the states and the dollar sucks so bad even when they do they lose money) go see em. No - really... these 3 really fucking rock.
So needless to say both jake and i were so blown out by all this we totally blew Mick and Tony's new project off. Sorry guys...
Went and grabbed some awful bbq downtown then later went to see NOFX... who did basically the entire Punk in Drublic album in lieu of anything remotely new, an album which they hadnt played in years but in typical punk fashion declared that they didnt care and just wanted to have fun and if you didnt like it you could go watch the Breeders' Deal sisters do a 69 on each other on the other stage. That that album is one of my alltime favorite punk albums meant i was screaming lyrics in harmony all the way through - bouncing and singing and having a grand ole time. But Detroit 7 owned the day - and considering how much fun I had at NOFX that's saying something.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Does anyone remember Up With People?
(that's all the warning you get)
but what makes this one priceless?
funny you should ask
So the Obama campaign is having a contest...
My ad:
[black - fade up into video of iraq war... video footage is going to be running in little rectangles as it receeds into a dark background - lots of footage from frontline type shows... rumsfeld talking up the war... bush talking up the war... cheney talking up the war... govt officials saying it would pay for itself etc... all these voices are subtextual - nothing as the primary audio focus]
Primary audio focus... female voice... "In 1992 Barrack Obama had the vision to call the Iraq war a mistake. 7 years later, the war in iraq has cost this nation prestige overseas... through torture it's moral standing at home and abroad... through the abuse of the constitution its even cost us the rule of law... but, in terms of cold hard cash, [begin to pull back... showing girl speaking to left of center as she comes into screen - long haired brunette with big sunglasses, wearing sunhat and flowery laura-ashley style sundress] it's estimated to have cost us 3 trillion dollars. My name is Ashley Dupré [takes off sunglasses] and i want you to understand that that's the equivalent of two hours with me for every man woman and child in the country. So I ask you America... was it good for you? [fade to black]
you know...
there are days you dont want to come out of the house...
days when the world seems a might unfriendly...
but this might be a bit much
Here in Austin it's SXSW time again... i think i've attended, hmm, 4 of them over the years. I'll likely hit the NOFX/Breeders free show saturday, and might try to buy my way into the japan showcase though the only band i'd want to see there is ketchup mania playing at 1am so who knows...
was out at the driskill bar last night - different crowd than usual... buncha longhairs and kids... betting the strip clubs did well last night with all the A&R assholes in town.
Speaking of A&R assholes... Trent released new numbers from sales of Ghost - and 1.6m is a number big enough that a whole lot of record labels had best take note. He's hitting the core value proposition of piracy... if people HAVE money and the cost isnt something they'll notice... they'll pay. This is why iTunes is a success. If you're dealing with kids who have NO money and just want to listen to the music - a) these are not potential customers and b) artists are very familiar with the concept of having no money and wanting to listen to music i doubt artists are too terribly upset. Sure - it was the A&R guys picking up the bar tabs last night (i saw one rolling up a cash register receipt that had to be 5 feet long) - but considering how little else they do for artists i think they can afford it... for now...
Monday, March 10, 2008
You know i've never seen a democrat work so hard at trying to get the attention of a republican who's busy looking for a november running mate. He may not have the republican background but he sure has the credentials!!! - and if Bill's exploits were any indication, there really cant be any question that he's passed the CinC test, afterall, he's just a squirrel lookin for a nut.
Friday, March 07, 2008
as a youth in surburban hell, this game was an outlet... no, we never ended up in the sewers confused as to whether there might be troglodytes chasing us, or utterly tossed aside by the social fabric of highschool (no more so than anyone else in that miserable shithole that was north dallas)... the games got more interesting, more complicated, more social - more about friends having an excuse to sit around and talk, drink a few beers - for some get stoned (and for others get so messed up they swung from trees)... but in the earlier days this was an outlet we just didnt have any other way.
i wouldnt presume to speak for Randy Kirk and Purna - the group i gamed with back in my early youth... but i remember the game fondly. Sure - perhaps hammering Purna's lead figure with a hammer when a 'ten ton weight' fell on him was, well, a bit over the top (sorry about that ;)) - but we really did need something other than polarbear ashburns and kirk's parent's liquor cabinet... and there's no better way to learn the definition of 32,000 cubic feet than a fireball in a 10x10 room.
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
A hint as to my voting preference with a question... If Bitch is the New Black... and Johnny Cash is the man in black... and Johnny Cash is dead... does that make Hillary a necrophiliac?
at caucus - we had maybe 300 lined up out into the cold, some in shorts - many with kids running around... the doors didnt open until about 720 - some last minute voters and then a degree of 'what are we going to do - look at all those people' no doubt. At one point the republicans opened up a side door to another room in the building and screamed 'any republicans out there?'... they were greeted with laughter and silence.
As I stood in the crowd I assumed a lot of those present would be Clinton people - no one seemed to know what a caucus would look like in texas... most seemed to have a vision that it would be like Iowa, with lots of hemming and hawing over undecideds.
We were broken into groups - 3 lines - one for people who had their voter registration cards stamped democrat, which were mostly early voters since those who voted today were given little 'invitations', one for the invitations people, and one for the 'i voted but i dont have any documentation and i look lost'. I was in the invitation group - a smaller line - so they merged us with the confused people. You went in... signed in... filled in the ID# they gave you... then chose the candidate you supported. I saw Obama people standing there, and one lone Clinton campaign person who had this jcrew outfit going and looked like he was sporting a 3 foot stick up his ass. He kept looking at the signin sheets - so as i was standing there i glanced over at them as well... of the 60 or so people who'd signed in by the time I got to the front of the line - every single one signed in for Obama.
When I left, the line out the door was filled with people sporting little obama stickers, wearing shirts, and generally looking like Hillary's worst nightmare.
School teachers, mothers, septuagenarians, couples, yuppies, cowboy boot wearing texans... it was a long line...